• CoLoop’s performance can be massively improved by providing it with a good project description.
  • This description will be used fed into the AI model at inference and used to guide its output.
  • You can update this description at any point by clicking on the project settings in the top menu.
  • This article outlines some recommendations and best practices when using the project description.

How does CoLoop actually use this information?

  • The description provided is considered used by CoLoop in:

    1. AI Chats
    2. Analysis Grids
    3. Summaries.
    4. Processing of documents
    5. Evidence Panels
    6. Suggested Questions
  • It also helps tp resolve reference to concepts or products in a discussion

For example a query such as…

Summarise what the customers thought?

With a project description like…

This project contains feedback interviews with users of a new product for qualitative research called CoLoop. Participants are talking about their experiences with the tool. I am interesting in summarising the main gain points, pain points and areas for further improvement. I am also interested in keeping track of any follow up items they are expecting me to send to them after the call.

For CoLoop can then effectively be read as…

Summarise [into gain points, pain points and areas for improvement] what the customers [of a new tool CoLoop] thought [of that tool]

So how do I set the project description?

Set the description when creating a project

You will be prompted to set the project description when you create the project at the beginning:

Set the description after you’ve created a project

You can also go back at any point and set / update the project description by clicking on the button next to the project name in the menu on the lHS:

Automatically generate a description

If you’ve uploaded a discussion guide you can get CoLoop to generate a description for you automatically by clicking the generate button.

What kind of things can I put in the description?

The project description is a great place to put information that you don’t want to have to keep repeating in every single message e.g.

  • Background context about the study
  • Details of the different concepts being referred to
  • Objectives or questions your trying to answer
  • Industry specific details or acronyms
  • Guidance for how you want the chat to layout answers to your questions

What if my project has multiple discussion guides?

  • If you have multiple discussion guides most of the time we recommend copy and pasting them into one document.
  • CoLoop uses the uploaded guide to create a description of the project, see examples of questions asked and derive a set of objectives.
  • These can always be edited afterwards so you can ensure the AI has a good understanding of what question you’re trying to answer.