Uploading Incling Projects

You can directly export your data from Incling and upload it straight to CoLoop. Types of data compatible with CoLoop are:

  • All screener data

  • All participant data (active and retired)

  • All tasks data including participant answers and replies

  • All media related to task answers

Please note that CoLoop is not able to support other activities such as live chats and tasks which involve visually tagging images.

Exporting data from Incling

Please note that your downloaded Incling file contains temporary URLs for securely transferring media directly from Incling to CoLoop. As such, files will expire 24 hours after download.

Click on the three bars in the top right hand corner and select import/export.

Select ‘Create CoLoop Export’.

Scroll to the bottom of this page, and click export.

You will then be redirected to the ‘Retrieve’ page and the export will take a couple of minutes to process. When it’s ready a ‘Download’ button will appear and then your file is ready to download.

Once you press ‘Download’, your Incling data will be saved as a ZIP file in your device’s downloads folder. This ZIP file contains a JSON file with all your Incling data. Be sure to unzip the file before uploading the JSON to CoLoop.

Uploading the files to CoLoop

Upload your JSON file to CoLoop using the Incling option. Make sure you unzip the file and upload the unedited JSON. Also make sure that the file was downloaded less than 24 hours ago, otherwise the links inside will have expired and the file will not upload.

Your file will then be ready to process.

Provide the tool with relevant information and then begin transcription. This may take a couple of minutes.

After transcription, CoLoop will have automatically assigned all relevant segments to participants and you will be ready to begin analysis.