Uploading Data

After creating a new project in the Open Ends tool space, upload up to 10,000 open end responses in xlsx. format. For formatting guidelines please see this article.

Select preset

Select the preset you want CoLoop to use for analysing your data. Users typically choose the ‘General Analysis’ preset, which provides a versatile and comprehensive framework for in-depth analysis across a wide-range of topics. CoLoop also offers several specialised presets which are designed for specific market and product research projects, as shown below.

Users may also upload their own presets by selecting ‘Advanced’. For help with uploading and developing your own preset please contact the CoLoop support team.

Generate Themes

The next step is to implement themes based on your open-ended data. Users can upload their own codebooks in Excel format by selecting the upload arrow (circled in red below).

Alternatively, you can use CoLoop to develop a code frame by sampling your data. After clicking ‘Generate’, the tool will read a portion of your data and generate initial codes and themes. To refine these, click ‘Generate more’. With each iteration, the tool will analyse additional portions of your data, updating and expanding the themes and codes.

Continue this process until the bar underneath turns green, indicating that a saturation point has been reached. At this stage, the tool has likely identified all major themes and codes in your data.

Themes are presented in an expandable ‘tree’ format. Clicking on one of themes will open a drop down and reveal sub-themes.

Sentiment Analysis

Users can opt to apply sentiment analysis to some or all of their open ends questions. Sentiment analysis will determine whether participants responses were positive, neutral or negative. Users can either select all or some questions by ticking the associated boxes, as shown below.


Users are then prompted to start the analysis.

By default, CoLoop will output all of the open ends responses in one column, by descending order of code frequency. If sentiment analysis was applied, this will be shown at the bottom right of each theme. To view the sentiment count, users can hover over the sentiment bar with their mouse.

Users can choose to customise how they view their data by selecting a filter as shown below.

CoLoop will output a column for each sets of filters applied. Shown below, from left to right below, are analysis columns showing a participant segment filter, a sentiment filter and a specific question filter. Users can choose to display response numbers in either raw count or by percentage, as shown on the right hand side of the image below.

Evidence Panels

To inspect evidence, users can click on a theme which will prompt an evidence panel to open up on the right hand side of the screen, as shown below.

Exporting Open Ends Analysis

Users can easily export their open ends analysis to xlsx. format. Users can export the whole grid, by selecting the export button found on the left of the analysis dashboard, as shown below.

Alternatively, users can export individuals columns by clicking on the three dots at the top of each column as shown below.

Users can export the whole grid to Excel format, as shown below. This output will produce an excel document which will list out all of the themes along with number of associated participants, responses and sentiment.

Alternatively, users can export their raw theme data, as shown below. This export option will provide users with an Excel sheet with three tabs, the first with the codebook, the second with a respondents list, and the third with each respondent’s open ended responses and their associated codes and sentiments, as shown below.