You can tag concepts using Concept Testing Mode in the project set-up.

Concept testing mode enables you to enter a list of concepts, brand names or any other key phrase during the project setup. The AI will automatically label text segments where they appear and even track when the conversation changes from discussing one to another.

  1. You can add more concepts after creating a project

  2. You can edit concepts

  3. Concepts are unified across the AI Chat and Analysis Grid

How to tag concepts

  1. Click “enable concept testing” when creating a new project
  2. Enter a list of concept or brand names that you would like to distinguish between
  3. Click save and upload your research material

If you want to Edit a concept in the transcript or add a new one you can click on the ‘Edit concepts’ button when hovering over text in the transcript:

You can then search for an already existing concept to add it to a section of the transcript:

Or you can create a new concept:

Once you’ve completed the steps above you will be able to filter on different concepts in the analysis grid and AI chat. This will make the AI explicitly filter text segments where participants are discussing the names concept to help shortlist relevant evidence.

To use concept testing mode in the analysis grid press the ’#’ key when creating a question and select the concept you want to filter on from the list below:

To use concept testing mode in the chat press the ’#’ key or ’# Concept’ button and choose from your list of concepts: