• Language support
  • why upload audio vs. video
  • translation
  • Sound quality

Supported Languages and Accents

CoLoop supports near-human accurate transcription from Audio and Video in a range of accents and formats. The following table outlines the list of supported languages, click the dropdown to view:

Supported File Formats

Although CoLoop does support the upload of docx and txt files, we strongly recommend using audio or video files if possible as we can guarantee the format and quality of these will be high enough for the system to work.

  • The quality of transcription will be the same whether you upload audio or video files.
  • We recommend using lower res video or just audio rather as these will upload faster.
  • There is a limit of 20 GB per file
  • Once your file(s) has finished uploading press “Complete”
  • Then you’ll be able to provide additional transcription information and transcribe your file ( Link to article on transcription / creating a project )

CoLoop supports a range of different video and audio formats. The following table outlines the list of support file types, click the dropdown to view:

Best practices for recording audio and video

If possible we recommend using video conferencing such as Zoom. If you have to use a facility be sure to run a sound check before or bring your own recording device.

When recording audio and video it’s important to ensure the following:

  • Speakers are clearly audible: Use high quality, ideally directional microphones and position them in front of the people speaking.
  • One interview per file: Make sure there is one interview per audio / video file. If you have multiple combined you should cut them into individual interviews before uploading to CoLoop.

Sound quality

  • We always recommend making sure you have high quality audio recordings
  • In our experience online interviews via Zoom, Meets etc. work the best as the audio is channelled and every participant has their own microphone
  • Recording facilities with low quality audio setups or live interviewing with background noise can be challenging
  • If you find audio segments have been mixed up don’t worry CoLoop can still work on these!

Zoom, Teams, Google Meet Integration

  • We will be releasing a direct transcription plugin in the next few weeks
  • The plugin will allow you to add CoLoop directly to your meeting tool and stream audio directly back to the platform
  • This will also allow us to make use of the implied audio channels and identify all speakers with near perfect accuracy

Translating your file post transcription

CoLoop offers translation options (powered by DeepL) for these 30 Non-English languages in order to facilitate analysis!

  • In order to translate your transcript into English, click on the three dots next to the file name when the transcript is open and then ‘Translate transcript’:
  • If you’d like to get the transcript back to the original language simply click on Reset transcript’

All of your analysis and quotes will be in English.

Simultaneous Translation

SimTran recordings can be difficult to work with as they contain only one speaker. Information about who is speaking and their role in the conversation is lost and has to be inferred by CoLoop based on the context. If you are conducting Non-English language studies we recommend:

  • Transcribing and analysing in the native language if possible
  • Asking your SimTran service to provide transcripts with labelled speakers in this format
  • Labelling the single speaker in a SimTran transcript as Moderator / Participant (translated) and the role to Participant (see below).