CoLoop offers translation options (powered by DeepL) for these 30 Non-English languages in order to facilitate analysis!

  • In order to translate your transcript into English, click on the three dots next to the file name when the transcript is open and then ‘Translate transcript’
  • Clicking the reset button will undo all translation, speaker labelling and annotations.

All of your analysis and quotes will be in English.

Simultaneous Translation

SimTran recordings can be difficult to work with as they contain only one speaker. Information about who is speaking and their role in the conversation is lost and has to be inferred by CoLoop based on the context. If you are conducting Non-English language studies we recommend:

  • Transcribing and analysing in the native language if possible
  • Asking your SimTran service to provide transcripts with labelled speakers in a supported format
  • Labelling the single speaker in a SimTran transcript as Moderator / Participant (translated) and the role to Participant (see below).