If you’re working with audio or video files CoLoop can help you transcribe them with high accuracy in less than a minute. CoLoop’s transcription supports a range of languages and formats (see a full list here)

Uploading a file

Make sure your audio or video recordings are high quality. We recommend doing this with a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Teams.
Large files 1Gb+ can take a few minutes to upload. Please ensure your computer does not sleep while files are uploading.

1. Click add file and choose video or audio

2. Select multiple or a single file and press upload

  • We recommend using lower res video or just audio rather as these will upload faster
  • Uploaded files must be under 6Gb each
  • Once your file(s) has finished uploading press “Complete”

3. Provide additional details about your file

You can skip this step by pressing “use default”. This will tell CoLoop to estimate the number of speakers and predict which accent or language setting to use

At this point you can enter the following information to help improve transcription accuracy:

  1. Expected Number of speaker: Approximately how many speakers are in the recording?
  2. Language: Which accent or language are they speaking?
  3. Keywords: What brand names or atypical words would you like the transcription to be aware of

4. Label the speakers and assign roles to them

Once your file has finished transcribing CoLoop will ask you to name the speakers and apply roles to them.

  • All speakers must have a name and a roll assigned to them
  • Speakers can be given the role of either researcher “R” or participant “P”
  • This will tell CoLoop whether to show them in the analysis grid and whether to use their text segments as either context or quoteable evidence
  • Speakers can be merged together by giving them the same name

Additional features

Correcting Transcripts

The underlying models we use for analysis have a lot of context about your project and are quite robust to small transcription errors. Small transcription errors are expected and have an impercitible effect on analysis accuracy and quality.

CoLoop will highlight low confidence words in the transcript in red. Click on one of these words to correct it.

If you would like to correct a word that is not highlighted in red, simply highlight the word you’d like to correct and click ‘Correct transcript’.

If it’s a word or phrase that’s spelt wrong in multiple instances across transcripts, you can click ‘Show all instances’ and then use our Find & Replace feature to replace all (or some) of the instances of the incorrect spelling at the same time:

Simultaneous Translation

SimTran recordings can be difficult to work with as they contain only one speaker. Information about who is speaking and their role in the conversation is lost and has to be inferred by CoLoop based on the context. If you are conducting Non-English language studies we recommend:

  • Transcribing and analysing in the native language if possible
  • Asking your SimTran service to provide transcripts with labelled speakers in either of these two formats: click here or click here
  • Labelling the single speaker in a SimTran transcript as Moderator / Participant (translated) and the role to Participant (see below).

For more info on transcription translation see this article

Exporting Transcripts

You can export a transcript or its summary via the menu at the top. Exported transcripts will also include timestamps.

Playing back audio or video

  • Click on the play button next to any of the segments to hear the underlying audio.
  • If you want to play back a specific sentence or section you can also use the Clipping tool as a way to select a specific moment.
  • Once selected you can play the segment back by clicking the play button at the top